Monday, December 17, 2007

The Meeting Fell Through

Hey I had a moment, so I figured I'd just let everyone know that the meeting kinda fell through. I was actually late myself, and by the time I got to the school Jack told me that the meeting had been called off. There just weren't enough people. I want to thank those who did show for their dedication and apologize for not being on time myself. It seems like there may have been some miscommunication: last week it sounded as if everyone would be available, but today it appears many people were not.

I guess the important thing now is next steps - I am not honestly sure where to go from here but I would encourage everyone to think about ways to cut down the film's story length, and what kind of a relationship we want between death and Evil Stevil and how that relationship will function in the context of what will hopefully be a 3 minute film. Maybe we need to put together some kind of story-revision schedule for the 1st week back at school and then stick too it. I mean we did the current board/leica in a week, maybe we just do that again only this time we have an even better base to start off with. I'm interested to hear where everyone thinks we should go from here.

1 comment:

Mort said...

I think we can continue to develope the story we have now, and whoever has ideas for a different relationship can continue to develop those as well

From what Kayla tells me the new leica reel did quite well with audience reactions, and Frank's new gags got a lot of laughs

I don't think we're doing badly at this point, and I also apologize for not making it today for many, many reasons (the main one being that I'm still in Brampton)

I would like to suggest that if people come up with new story development ideas, we can post them on the blog and discuss them there?
